Monday, August 13, 2012

No Eskimos in Colombia

Sometimes I swear the midwest is populated by Eskimos.  Temperatures hit 70 degrees and people start thinking they are going to melt.  So everyone - homes, schools, stores, restaurants, banks - EVERYONE - cranks on the air conditioning to return the environment to near freezing.

I ended up having to spend the night in Bogota on my way here to Cali.  I woke up at three in the morning to head to the airport and it was probably about 50 degrees outside.  With a cardigan, long pants and sandals I was woefully underdressed!  Now mind you, this is the temperature that midwesterners start pulling out their shorts and wondering how soon they can fill up pools and start jumping in the lake.  In Bogota, everyone was wearing jackets.  Some were wearing mittens and scarves.  There was not a sandal in sight.

Here in Cali the temps have been in the 80s everyday and I am out of place in my shorts.  Pretty  much all the women wear long pants, a few dresses, and I think I've seen about two pairs of shorts here.  And no where, yet, have I encountered air conditioning.  No one here mistakes themselves for an Eskimo.  Home sweet home! :)

1 comment:

  1. hey kelli,
    i just saw your comment on my old blog (i changed to a new one for a new country and just checked on a whim).
    re: the dslr - i had no problems down there with it, however i used my best judgement. i never took it out at night (like salsa dancing or even parties where i wasn't going to have it on me all night) or to places with extreme weather conditions (like climbing a volcano).
    generally you should be okay, especially if you are traveling with a friend. i feel like people who "own it" and don't look around like someone is about to jump them don't have issues with being targeted.
    now that you are there, this is all probably been decided and now moot, but i hope it helps a little!
    enjoy cali and colombia and have a buñuelo for me! i miss those things!
