Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Petronio Festival

Last week there was a festival here in Cali celebrating the music from the Pacific coast.  Apparently there are a lot of different varieties but the night I went there were two different varieties that were played.  One, that I don't remember the name of, had violins and reminded me a bit of folk music from the US.  The other one, Marimba, I really really liked.  It uses an instrument that looks like a xylophone and sounds like metal drums but is made out of palm wood.  I haven't taken my point and shoot camera out yet, much less my DSLR.  I want to get to know the city a bit first before I bring either of them anywhere.  So unfortunately I don't have any pictures or videos from the night.  However, I found the following video from the night I went on YouTube.  Its incredibly long but just skip around a bit to see what marimba sounds like.  Its fantastic!

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