Sunday, August 26, 2012

The ants go marching thousands by thousands...

Earlier this week a couple of teachers were discussing the lengths they go to to keep ants out of their kitchen. Hmmm.  My kitchen wasn't particularly messy but I also hadn't gone to any trouble to keep it especially clean.  And yet I hadn't seen a single ant in my kitchen.  Lucky?  Absolutely not! I was about to find out why they hadn't meandered into my kitchen.

I went home that evening to get all my laundry together for my laundry appointment.  One of the idiosyncrasies of my apartment building is the washer and dryer.  They are locked up in a cage and you have to call the apartment manager a day in advance to set up an appointment to do your laundry.  So in preparation for my laundry appointment, I sorted through my laundry and pulled the sheets off my bed.  As I pulled the sheets off the bed I found the corner blanketed in tiny little ants.  Literally blanketed.  I lifted up the mattress to find thousands swarming underneath.  Of course after I had disturbed them they proceeded to scatter all over the place.

Bugs don't usually freak me out.  I don't like to squish them, but if they are just crawling around, no problem.  But in that quantity?  And I had been sleeping on them...Not ok!  My principal said I could stay with her for the night.  As I hung up the phone with her, the apartment manager called to let me know he was here and I could come down and do my laundry.  Flustered, all I could manage to get out was, "I'm really sorry but I have to leave."  Annoyed, he asked if I wanted him to come back the next day.  I don't know!  I have five bazillion ant scrambling around my apartment right now!  I can't remember if I have anything going on tomorrow or not!  So I told him no.

The next day, the school had my apartment "fumigated", which I'm fairly certain meant that they sent a cleaning lady to sweep the floor and clean out the cake crumbs that were under the mattress.  Humph! And what about all the ants that ran all over my apartment and into all of my stuff?  No worries, I'm told, they're all gone.  They also called the apartment manager to explain the situation and got him to come back that afternoon, without the typical day's notice, so that I could do my mountain of laundry.  That ended with my clothes being locked up in the dryer overnight but that's another story. 

The next morning I woke up to find the ants had migrated to the kitchen.

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