Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Expensive Cookie Therapy

The kids had off of school today because of some bus strikes.  I walked to school this morning expecting to spend the day doing some much needed lesson planning.  Despite having two weeks of school before the kids started, our schedule was jam packed with meetings and I really hadn't done any planning.  I should have know better than to expect the day to myself to plan!  I arrived to find, what else?  A list of meetings posted for the day.  After many interminable (ok, it was five hours, but it felt like forever!) and unproductive meetings and only an hour and a half of lesson planning, I was GRUMPY!

I walked home from school contemplating whether I would rather go for a run or eat cookies.  Consider it a sign of my mental state that I preferred to go for a run.  Who chooses that over cookies!?!? Certainly not me!  However, I really only know the main roads around my house and I was not about to go running down those.  It would have resulted in almost certain death on account of the insanity of the drivers here.  So I settled for the cookies.  (Clearly my mental functioning has not fully returned because "settled for" and "cookies" never belong in the same sentence!)

The school bought me a little mini countertop oven so I am now able to bake four cookies at a time.  Perfect!  By the time I finished eating the first four, the next four would be done.  At the store I found no whole wheat flour and no chocolate chips.  I usually like to bake with whole wheat flour so I can feel like what I'm eating has at least minimal nutritional value, but at this point I just wanted my cookie.  Any kind of flour would do.  Chocolate chips - no problem, I'll just chop up a chocolate bar.  But when I asked where I could find the baking soda I was told they didn't have any.  Are you kidding me?!?!  Does no one here bake cakes, cookies, coffee bread, muffins....

After stewing up and down a couple of aisles I decided I could still make no bake cookies.  I got my $6 jar of cocoa powder and $7 jar of peanut butter and went back home.

I may or may not have eaten this out of the bowl by the spoonful before deciding to actually make the rest into cookies to put in the freezer.

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